报告题目:On the regularity of the Landweber transformation
报告人:Andrzej Cegielski教授
摘要:We consider the split convex feasibility problem in a fixed point setting.Based on the well-known CQ-method of Byrne (2002), we define an abstract Landweber transformation which applies to more general operators than the metric projection. It turns out that the Landweber transformation preserves many interesting properties. Moreover, the Landweber transformation of a (weakly/linearly) regular mapping is again (weakly/linearly) regular. These regularity properties are relevant because they lead to(weak/linear) convergence of many CQ-type methods.
安德烈·耶盖尔斯基(Andrzej Cegielski)教授,1981年获数学博士学位,1995年获教授资格证书,1997-2011年波兰绿山城大学(University of Zielona Góra,Poland)副教授,2012-现在,绿山城大学教授,2005-2012年,绿山城大学数学与计算机学院院长,曾任德国等国访问教授,从事非线性分析、最优化和不动点理论等方面研究,发表SCI论文四十余篇、撰写书三部,担任数值算法(Numerical Algorithms)等SCI期刊编委,荣获波兰科技部研究奖等奖项。