2005/03 – 2009/11,上海交通大学,材料科学与工程学院,博士
2000/09 – 2003/06,中科院固体物理研究所,内耗与固体缺陷研究室,硕士
1996/09 – 2000/06,河南师范大学,物理与信息工程学院,学士
1.Zhibin Li, Yida Deng, Bin Shen, Wenbin Hu. Synthesis, characterization and microwave properties of Ni-Co-P hollow spheres. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 490, 406-410, 2010.
2.Zhibin Li, Bin Shen, Yida Deng, Lei Liu, Wenbin Hu. Preparation and microwave absorption properties of electroless Co-P-coated nickel hollow spheres. Applied Surface Science. 255,4542-4546, 2009.
3.Zhibin Li, Yida Deng, Bin Shen, Wenbin Hu, Size influence on microwave properties of Ni-Co-Phollow spheres. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 42, 145002, 2009.
4.Zhibin Li, Yida Deng, Bin Shen, Wenbin Hu. Preparation and microwave absorption properties of Ni-Fe3O4 hollow spheres. Material Science and Engineering B, 164, 112-115, 2009.
5.Zhibin Li, Yida Deng, Yating Wu, Bin Shen, Wenbin Hu. Size influence on optical absorption propertyof ultra-fine nickel hollow spheres. Journal of Material Science, 42, 9234- 9238, 2007.
6.Zhibin Li, Ruirong Wang, Yida Deng. Size Influence on magnetic properties of nickel hollow spheres. Advanced Materials Research, 652-654, 321-326, 2013