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发布日期:2023-03-17    点击次数:





1. 浙江省自然科学基金项目:基于复合微纳结构连续域束缚态及其在电光调制器中的应用研究,2024.12026.1210万,在研,主持

2. 绍兴市基础公益项目:基于介电常数近零材料的微纳结构共振耦合效应及其在电光调制器中的应用研究,2025.12026.1210万,在研,主持

3. 江苏省现代光学技术重点实验室开放课题:GST 超表面连续域束缚态的电磁调控研究,2023.1~2025.123万,在研,主持


1. Li Liang, Yunan Quan, Lin Shuai, et al. Ultra-Broadband Tunable Miniaturized Spectroscopy based on Epsilon-Near-Zero Effect Enabled Electro-Optic Modulation. Optics Express, 2025 (Accepted)

2. Qilin Zheng, Li Liang*, Yunan Quan, et al. Multi-band reprogrammable phase-change metasurface spectral filters for on-chip spectrometers. Optics Express, 2024, 32(7): 11548-11559.

3. Li Liang, Xin Hu, Long Wen, et al. Unity Integration of Grating Slot Waveguide and Microfluid for Terahertz Sensing. Laser & Photonics Reviews2018, 12, 1800078.

4. Li Liang, Qilin Zheng, Long Wen, et al. Miniaturized Spectroscopy with Tunable and Sensitive Plasmonic Structures. Optics Letters, 2021, 46(17): 4264-4267.

5. Li Liang*, Qilin Zheng, Xianghong Nan, et al. Asymmetric All-Dielectric Active Metasurface for Efficient Dual Reflection Modulation. Optics Communications, 2022, 555:127539.

6. Qin Chen* (supervisor), Li Liang, Qilin Zheng, et al. On-chip readout plasmonic mid-IR gas sensor. Opto-Electronic Advances2020, 3, 190040.

7. Long Wen, Li Liang, Xianguang Yang, et al. Multiband and Ultrahigh Figure-of-Merit Nanoplasmonic Sensing with Direct Electrical Readout in Au-Si Nanojunctions. ACS Nano, 2019, 13(6):6963-6972.

8. Zhihui Chen (supervisor), Li Liang, Yang Wang, et al. Spatial Remote Luminescence Enhancement by Half-cylindrical Au Groove. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016. 4(47): p. 11321-11327.

9. Zhihui Chen (supervisor), Li Liang, Yang Wang, et al. Tunable High Reflective Bands to Improve Quantum Dot White Light-emitting Diodes. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2017. 5(5): p.1149-1154.

10. Long Wen, Yifu Chen, Li Liang, et al. Hot electron harvesting via photoelectric ejection and photothermal heat relaxation in hotspots-enriched plasmonic/photonic disordered nanocomposites. ACS Photonics, 2018, 5(2): 581-591.

11. Lin Jin, Long Wen, Li Liang, et al. Polarization-insensitive surface plasmon polarization electro-absorption modulator based on epsilon-near-zero indium tin oxide. Nanoscale research letters, 2018, 13(1): 1-7.SCI,二区,IF3.578

12. 梁丽, 文龙, 蒋春萍, 等。人工微结构太赫兹传感器的研究进展. 红外与激光工程, 2019, 48(2): 203001


版权所有:绍兴文理学院数理信息学院 | 技术支持:海马科技